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America Is A Nation of Immigrants

Posted May 6, 2013 in

Generations of immigrants have helped lay the railroads and build America’s cities, pioneer new industries and fuel America’s Information Age, from Google to the iPhone.

Generations of immigrants have helped lay the railroads and build America’s cities, pioneer new industries and fuel America’s Information Age, from Google to the iPhone.

President Obama said the following in a Naturalization ceremony held at the White House to immigrants who were about to become American Citizens:


The lesson of these 236 years is clear – immigration makes America stronger.  Immigration makes us more prosperous. And immigration positions America to lead in the 21st century.  And these young men and women are testaments to that. No other nation in the world welcomes so many new arrivals.  No other nation constantly renews itself, refreshes itself with the hopes, and the drive, and the optimism, and the dynamism of each new generation of immigrants. You are all one of the reasons that America is exceptional. You’re one of the reasons why, even after two centuries, America is always young, always looking to the future, always confident that our greatest days are still to come.


The White House celebrates the contributions of all Americans for building the great American nation and its economy, including the generations of immigrants.

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